Curriculum Map


What we are learning in Spring 1



We will begin this half term with ‘Addition and Subtraction to 20’ in which we will learn the different ways to add and subtract numbers within 20 and create fact families. We will then move on to ‘Shapes and Patterns’, looking at the properties of basic 2D shapes and some solid shapes and grouping shapes based on certain criteria. We will also learn to recognise, describe and continue a pattern. We will finish the half term with the unit of ‘Length and Height’, where we will compare lengths and describe whether something is taller, shorter or longer. We will learn how to measure two objects for comparison using items and body parts, before moving on to measuring using a ruler.


In English this half term we will be reading the vehicle text ‘Hermelin: The Detective Mouse’. We will then be focusing on learning how to write a detective narrative. Additionally, we will recap our learning on recounts and use our knowledge to write detective letters. Within our writing, we will focus on separation of words with spaces, capital letters, question marks and exclamation marks.



Our work this half term will begin with the concluding part of our Christmas unit in which the Wise Men come to visit the baby Jesus, and will look at the tradition of St Nicholas. We will then move on to the unit, ‘Jesus is special’. We will be thinking about friendship; exploring Bible stories that explore Jesus’ power and divine nature as well as talking about how and why Jesus was special.

Vocabulary: Jesus, Son of God, friendship, miracle, disciple.


In Science, we will be learning about ‘Animals, including humans.’ We will describe and compare common animals and their structures and know whether animals are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.


In Geography, our driving question is, ‘What are the oceans and continents of the world?’. We will be learning all about the 7 continents and 5 oceans. We will be able to locate these on both world maps, atlas’ and globes. We will then be using this knowledge to help us to locate the wonders of the world.




In Art this half term we will be working as a team and creating sculptures. Our key artist will be Louise Bourgeois. We will also develop our painting skills.


This half term our unit of work will be, ‘What is a Computer?’ We will learn about the different parts of a computer and iPad. We will learn the difference between hardware and software as well and creating and following algorithms. We will continue to learn about online safety and how to communicate politely online.


Our theme this half term is ‘All About Me’, and we will be exploring pulse an rhythm. We will be singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes, as well as playing untuned instruments.


Our driving question this half term is, ‘How can we look after each other and the world?’ We will be learning about the importance of rules, understanding the needs of animals and babies. We will look at the groups that we belong to and end the unit gaining an understanding of how democracy works.

Autumn 2

What We Are Learning: Autumn 2


This half term in English our theme is ‘Fire! Fire!’.

We will be exploring and writing our own repetitive patterned stories. We will then become poets and be reading a range of poems on a theme. Finally, we will finish the half term by becoming familiar with a range of non-fiction texts.

Tremendous Trio: Funny Bones by Allan and Janet Ahlberg, The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright and The Snail and The Whale by Julia Donaldson.


We will be beginning the half term exploring subtraction and learning that subtraction equations can be completed in three ways: by crossing out, by using number bonds and by counting back. We will then be learning all about positions and the children will gain an understanding of positional language, as well as directional language for left and right. To conclude the half term, we will be looking at numbers up to 20, focusing on numbers between 10 and 20. We will count and write to 20, compare and order numbers, and see patterns within 20. The children will learn different ways to add and subtract numbers within 20. They will use their understanding of addition and subtraction to create fact families.


We will be adding to our knowledge of Materials this half term. The children will be distinguishing between an object and the material from which it is made. We will know how to identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock. We will be learning how to compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.


Our first unit of learning will be, ‘God and Creation’. We will be learning about the creation story and developing our own perceptions and understandings of God. We will enjoy being ‘creators’ ourselves, as well as reflecting on feelings of awe, wonder, delight and mystery in relation to the natural world.

Next, we will be moving on to ‘Christmas Gifts’, where we will aim to deepen our understanding of the true meaning of Christmas by recognising that Jesus was a gift from God. We will also consider our thoughts and feelings about giving and receiving gifts.



Our D.T this half term will be ‘Cooking: Food and Nutrition’ we will be having lots of fun learning about different fruit and vegetables and designing and making our own smoothies.


This half term we will be learning about people that keep us safe. We will know that people have different roles in the community to help them (and others) keep safe. We will know that they can help us in different places and situations.


This half term our history unit it ‘Changes within Living Memory’. The children will be discussing the timeline of their lives from when they were born to current day. We will be discussing events such as the Queen’s Coronation, the Death of the Queen, King Charles, COVID19 and Eurovision. Any pictures and photographs of the children throughout certain milestones in their life would be greatly appreciates.


Our unit in PE this half term is Run, Jump and Balance. PE will be on a Tuesday and a Friday.


The children will be learning how to make movements that are appropriate to the pulse and tempo of a piece of music.

We will be carefully selecting instruments with appropriate timbre to represent sparkling fishes.

To conclude the unit, we will perform a layer of the music within an overall piece.

This half term in English our theme is ‘Fire! Fire!’.

We will be exploring and writing our own repetitive patterned stories. We will then become poets and be reading a range of poems on a theme. Finally, we will finish the half term by becoming familiar with a range of non-fiction texts.


We will be beginning the half term exploring subtraction and learning that subtraction equations can be completed in three ways: by crossing out, by using number bonds and by counting back. We will then be learning all about positions and the children will gain an understanding of positional language, as well as directional language for left and right. To conclude the half term, we will be looking at numbers up to 20, focusing on numbers between 10 and 20. We will count and write to 20, compare and order numbers, and see patterns within 20. The children will learn different ways to add and subtract numbers within 20. They will use their understanding of addition and subtraction to create fact families.


We will be adding to our knowledge of Materials this half term. The children will be distinguishing between an object and the material from which it is made. We will know how to identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock. We will be learning how to compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.


Our first unit of learning will be, ‘God and Creation’. We will be learning about the creation story and developing our own perceptions and understandings of God. We will enjoy being ‘creators’ ourselves, as well as reflecting on feelings of awe, wonder, delight and mystery in relation to the natural world.

Next, we will be moving on to ‘Christmas Gifts’, where we will aim to deepen our understanding of the true meaning of Christmas by recognising that Jesus was a gift from God. We will also consider our thoughts and feelings about giving and receiving gifts.



Our D.T this half term will be ‘Cooking: Food and Nutrition’ we will be having lots of fun learning about different fruit and vegetables and designing and making our own smoothies.


This half term we will be learning about people that keep us safe. We will know that people have different roles in the community to help them (and others) keep safe. We will know that they can help us in different places and situations.


This half term our history unit it ‘Changes within Living Memory’. The children will be discussing the timeline of their lives from when they were born to current day. We will be discussing events such as the Queen’s Coronation, the Death of the Queen, King Charles, COVID19 and Eurovision. Any pictures and photographs of the children throughout certain milestones in their life would be greatly appreciates.


Our unit in PE this half term is Run, Jump and Balance. PE will be on a Tuesday and a Friday.


The children will be learning how to make movements that are appropriate to the pulse and tempo of a piece of music.

We will be carefully selecting instruments with appropriate timbre to represent sparkling fishes.

To conclude the unit, we will perform a layer of the music within an overall piece.

Autumn 1

What We Are Learning: Autumn 1


Our first two units of learning in Maths will focus on number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20.  We will be counting using one-to-one correspondence and using ten frames to represent numbers. We will be writing numbers in both numerals and words, as well as ordering numbers. We will be introduced to the concept of zero by counting backwards from numbers below 10, and be able to show one more and one less.

For the remainder of the half term we will be developing our addition and subtraction within 10, as well as investigating the inverse. We will finish the unit gaining an understanding of positional language as well as direction language for left and right.



This half term, we will be exploring stories by the same author to enable us to write our own narrative. These books will be ‘Lost and Found’ and ‘Up and Down’, both by Oliver Jeffers. We will also be making an information poster/ booklet about a penguin- linked to our Lost and Found story, as well as writing and orally presenting poems.


We will have daily Phonics lessons, which will be based around Read Write Inc.


Tremendous Trio: Stick Man –by Julia Donaldson, We Feel Happy by Katie Abey and Little Red Riding Hood by Mary Alerin


Religious Education

Our first unit of work this year will be: ‘Harvest’. We will be aware that we harvest food all around the world and that we some have plenty, while others don’t. We will think about what our response as Christians should be to the need of others. We will also experience taking part in a Harvest festival. We will explore the Jewish festival of Sukkot and have fun building a sukkah shelter.

Key Questions:

  • Why do we celebrate Harvest Festival?
  • Where does our food come from?
  • Which foods do you enjoy the most?
  • How can we help those who do not have a good harvest?
  • Why should we help those who do not have a good harvest?


Key Vocabulary: Harvest; Harvest Festival; Christian Aid.

Our Second unit this half term  will be: ‘God and Creation’. We will be developing our perceptions and understandings of God, as well as reflecting on the awe, wonder, delight and mystery in relation to the natural world.

Key Questions: 

  • What do we know and believe about God the creator of the world?
  • I wonder how God felt when he had made the world?
  • How have the actions of people spoilt the world?
  • What do you feel about the wonder of creation?
  • What are your favourite things that God created?


Key vocabulary: God, creation, genesis, pollution, world, hymns and psalms.



We will have two P.E lessons each week and our focus for the first half term will be Gymnastics.



This half term in Science we will be learning all about uses of everyday materials. We will learn how to identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses. Additionally, we will find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.



This half term in PSHE we will be learning all about ourselves and our friends. We will be learning how to answer the question, ‘What makes a good friend?’. We will understand the qualities of being a good friend and know how actions can show these qualities.


Our unit this half term will be, ‘My Online Life’, focussing around online safety and who we can trust online, as well as online bullying and who we can get help from.

Key Vocabulary:

Reputation; Online bullying; Copyright; Self-image, Identity, Trust, Risks, Profile; Password; Private; Empathy