At Bishop Martin CE Primary School our Guiding LIGHT Curriculum is built around the National Curriculum, enriched to reflect the children and community we teach.
We strive to provide a curriculum that is underpinned by our Christian Values, which are embedded in the life and work of our school, and to allow all our children to 'Let their Light Shine'.
Let Your Light Shine Before Others So They May See Your Good Deeds' (Matthew 5.16)
National Curriculum - Purpose of Study
Science is a body of knowledge, which is built up through experimental testing of ideas and first hand experiences. Science is also a methodology, a practical way of finding reliable answers to questions we may ask about the world around us. It is a continuous process of the development of our understanding of the world we live in. The main aspects of science to be studied will be determined by the programme of study from the National Curriculum.
Aims of the 2014 National Curriculum are for our pupils to:
Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
Equip themselves with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
Our Science Curriculum intends to provide the children with a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all learning in our school.
Through high-quality delivery we aim to:
- Provide children with a broad, rich and bespoke curriculum though well-planned lessons, enhancement weeks and exploration which encourages them to retain and develop interest and enjoyment within Science as well as developing a natural sense of curiosity about the world around them.
- Equip pupils with a set of attitudes which will promote the school values in line with scientific ways of thinking, including open-mindedness, perseverance, objectivity, and a recognition of the importance of teamwork.
- Stimulate a thirst for further learning and knowledge by building up a body of scientific knowledge as well as preparing our pupils with the skills required to answer scientific questions, therefore developing their own understanding on the impact of Science upon the world they live in.
- Provide teaching and learning which challenges their knowledge, vocabulary, and skills through engaging and exciting lessons.
- Allow children to explore: observation, the making and testing of hypotheses, the design of fair and controlled investigations, the drawing of meaningful conclusions through critical reasoning and evaluation of evidence, facts and data.
Curriculum Planning
Science is a core subject in the National Curriculum, statutory requirements are categorised into ‘Working Scientifically’ and ‘Scientific Knowledge and Conceptual Understanding’. Science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Best practise within Science ensures that our children have the opportunity within their lessons to learn the five different types of scientific enquiry throughout the year (observation over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing and research using secondary sources).
Our curriculum has been designed to provide a unique and inspiring curriculum that is created to suit our children, their learning and their future. With God at the centre of our school, every child is valued and given the opportunity to let their ‘light’ shine. We prepare them to be a member of a class, school, local community as well as preparing them for their future role in modern Britain and as a global citizen.
We base our teaching and learning style in Science on the key principle that quality first teaching allows children access to a body of knowledge and skills which are essential to their understanding of the world around them. Through Science, our children are encouraged to challenge themselves, take risks through investigation opportunities and to persevere by reflecting on their outcomes. Alongside this, we encourage children to reach their full potential by being ambitious and resilient. They develop an understanding that skills and knowledge in science have wide applicability in everyday life.
Whilst being at Bishop Martin C.E Primary school, our children will receive a wide range of experiences to develop their learning and enhance their understanding of wellbeing. The children have the opportunity to take part in ‘British Science Week’ once a year which develops their interest within Science as well as enabling them to build upon skills such as teamwork, communication and independence. Their happiness and futures are at the heart of Bishop Martin’s five chosen Christian values. These values include Respect, Trust, Kindness, Hope and Love.
Long Term Plan
The National Curriculum for Science 2014, Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals, provide the long-term planning for science taught in school. The school’s long term plan sets out topics that need to be taught across the year (from Year 1-6), including when they should be taught. This plan has been amended to ensure it includes the five types of scientific enquiry and when they can be included in teaching and learning.
Medium Term Plan
The National Curriculum outlines the topics that need to be taught for each year group throughout the academic year, including statutory requirements and guidance. These include aspects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Working Scientifically. Medium term planning is designed for our setting to suit our children. Each topic includes:
National Curriculum Statements
Progression of Learning
Scientific Enquiry – minimum of one TAPS Focused Assessment Task
Lesson Sequence
Key Vocabulary, Skills and Knowledge
Assessment Statements
End of Unit Quiz
Science Subject Overview
As a result of a purposeful and well-sequenced Science Curriculum, children have a secure understanding of the scientific aspects through different types of scientific enquiries, thus being able to answer scientific questions about the world around them. Children have conceptual understanding developed through specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics and are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science, today and for the future.
Impact will show through formative assessment throughout the Science lessons and marking of books. This will be used to support and identify specific areas children need to develop. This knowledge will then impact on the daily planning of lessons to support and develop these specific areas.
An impact task will also be given at the end of each half term, this will link directly to knowledge and skills covered throughout the unit and will measure the children's understanding. Teachers then use this to inform their judgements on askEddi (school assessment system) each half term.