Our Christian Vision

'Let Your Light Shine Before Others So They May See Your Good Deeds' (Matthew 5.16)

At Bishop Martin we intend to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils, regardless of ability or background. Our school motto, ‘Learning Together, Growing in Faith’ encompasses everything we want our pupils to get out of their learning and time in school following our Guiding LIGHT curriculum:


Our Guiding LIGHT Curriculum Key Principles:

Lead children in their experiences of the awe and wonder of God’s love and aspiration for them to succeed in life.


Instil in every child a lifelong love of learning that will equip them to succeed in an ever-changing modern world.


Guide and encourage them to fully engage in the learning process so that they ‘take ownership’ of their learning.


Harbour a safe nurturing environment where children can develop their own skills and the reliance to achieve to the best of their ability.


Teach a knowledge rich curriculum that is broad, balanced and has clear knowledge and skills progression.


School Aims

By adopting a whole school approach to teaching and learning we aim to:

 - provide consistency in our teaching and learning across our school;

- enable teachers to teach as effectively as possible;

- enable children to learn as efficiently as possible;

- provide a well organised and inspiring environment in which children can learn and which encourages independence;

- give children the skills they require to become effective lifelong learners;

- provide an inclusive education for all children;

- achieve the very highest of standards. We aim to inspire a love in learning by bringing teaching to life through engagement with exciting and informative visits and visitors. As a school it is vital that trips support the children in developing a curiosity and enthusiasm about the world around them.

- Every child feels valued, safe and cared for, and makes a positive contribution to their own development and the life of the school, with Christ at its centre

- Our bespoke Guiding Light curriculum, based on excellence and high expectations, provides rich experiences which motivates, challenges, develops resilience and meets the needs of all children

- Every child achieves their potential and develops their talents and creativity, preparing them for a role in a global society with a lifelong love for learning

- Children & families /; knowing Jesus, and putting into action what they are coming to believe and value

- The whole school family flourishes and serves the local Church and community


Through a faith-based perspective, the Bishop Martin curriculum underpins our Core Christian school values of: Kindness, Trust, Love, Hope and Respect. The RE and PSHE syllabus teaches the principles of these values while the rest of the curriculum demonstrates how those principles can be applied in all contexts and subjects.


Subject Leaders have taken ownership of their curriculum areas by developing the following:

1. Progression Documents: Indicating clearly how each subject progresses from EYFS to the end of KS2

2. Subject overview: Outlining what is being taught in each year group across the year for each subject.

3. Unit Overviews:  Each unit has a overview, outlining with complete clarity, the expectations of both subject content, taught vocabulary across the unit and outlines the key skills and knowledge for each lesson. Withing the overviews, it highlights where the learning has been delivered before so teachers know hat children should already know, and where it will lead to next so teachers are aware where children need to aim for.

If you require any further information about the Guiding Light curriculum, please contact the school office and we will arrange a meeting with our curriculum lead Miss M Johnson.