Welcome to Y1 Grey Squirrels!

Class Teachers: Miss Casey and Mrs Maley

Teaching Assistants: Miss Hulme


Our Class

We’re very excited for the year we have ahead of us here in the Grey Squirrels, and look forward to working together with you and your child for a happy and successful year!


Mrs Maley will teach the class Monday and Tuesday; Miss Casey will teach the class Thursday and Friday, and both teachers will be in class on Wednesday. Miss Hulme will be supporting our learning all week.


Class webpage

Here on our class page you will our Curriculum map which shows what we will be learning about throughout the year, as well as a section about each half term. Our page will be regularly updated each half term with information and photographs to show you the exciting things we have been learning about.



Reading will link to Read Write Inc. Home reading books can be accessed online from the Oxford Owl website (see information handed out for login details.) Once your child can confidently read the book they have been practising in class, they will bring a slip home to inform you which book they should be reading at home from the website.

This year, children will also bring home a reading book linked to the sound they will be learning in their phonics group. Please return this each day, along with your child's reading record.

Children will also bring home a ‘book to share’ each week, which they will choose from our class library. This book is not for the children to read, but to enjoy listening to and sharing with an adult. This should be returned to school each Monday.



Our P.E sessions will be on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Please ensure children have their P.E kit in for all P.E sessions and warm clothes for colder days.

Please provide a note / speak to school if your child is unable to do P.E, otherwise children will be expected to join in.

Please cover earrings on the morning of P.E days with plasters if your child is unable to remove earrings for lessons.


Supporting at home

Additional tasks may include handwriting; learning number bonds  and the 2,5 and 10 times tables; reading and spelling the words from the statutory spelling lists (see handout).  Each term term, children will bring home a booklet of activities that support the work we will be doing in class for you to complete with your child if you wish.          



Toast will be available every morning break time for your child to have as a snack. This will be 20p per day/ £1 per week.



If you have any concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to discuss this.

Thank you for your on-going support

The Grey-Squirrel Team