School meals
School Meals Information
Menu Change Permanent
There are very few children who order Quesadillas and when they do most of it is thrown away. As a result of this from next week the menu will change.
Menu 1, Tuesday - NO quesadilla, it will be tomato pasta instead.
This will be reflected on the online ordering system but unfortunately we can not change the actual menus as these are supplied by the catering service.
Meals are subject to changes and will be communicated via the teachers2parents app.
Online Payment
Dinner money is due on a Monday morning and can be paid on line at or via the Teachers2Parents App
Click here for the parents guide.
Dinner money can also be paid at the School Office. With younger children money should be sent in a sealed and named envelope or purse.
Children in years reception one and two are entitled to universal free school meals and do not have to pay.
If you believe your child may be entitled to free school meals, then please apply to the Local Education Authority using the form below. The school office staff can help with this if you are unsure.
Free School Meals Application Form: Click here to access the form.
If your child is bringing sandwiches for lunch please ensure that all drinks are in a plastic container – no glass bottles or breakable flasks please.
National fruit scheme
Our school is eligible to receive free fruit daily for Infants, as part of the National School Fruit Scheme. The children are given apples, bananas, pears or oranges.
This is a major government initiative aimed at improving the diets of children.
School milk
Milk is provided for Nursery / Reception children daily.