What is a Pastoral Team?

Our Pastoral Team at Bishop Martin Primary School is made up of the Senior Leadership Teaching Team and Miss McKnight, the school Learning Mentor. We work within your school to help you, the pupil, with any problems you feel you may not be able to understand or deal with alone. We will listen, offer practical help and advice, and help you to make the most of your time at Bishop Martin Primary School. We are here to support and represent you.


Our Pastoral Team is here to:

  • Listen
  • Offer support
  • Promote positive behaviour
  • Identify the barriers to learning and set targets
  • Offer encouragement and build self-esteem and confidence


Who does our Pastoral Team work with?

  • Individuals and groups of children
  • Teachers and other members of staff
  • Parents/carers
  • External agencies such as; Social Services, Police, Health Professionals, Education Welfare Service, Doctors and nurses


The Role of the Pastoral Team

 For Children:

  • Build confidence, raise self-esteem and motivation
  • Improve social skills, form relationships with friends, family and staff
  • Improve attendance and punctuality
  • Remove barriers to learning
  • Help children to achieve their potential
    • An active pastoral programme of support which children can be referred to or self-refer
    • Staff training on how to provide a happy and safe environment and children are taught to speak to members of staff about any problems they have
    • Rigorous behaviour monitoring and looking for possible causes of the behaviour
    • Assemblies, workshops, lessons on Health and Wellbeing
    • Secondary Transition groups
    • Pupil voice for Annual Reviews and EHCP conversions
    • Strong partnership with parents

For Families:

  • Improve support and communication between home and school
  • Access to outside agencies and someone to talk to in confidence
    • A friendly face to talk to
    • Somebody to listen and offer advice
    • Referrals to outside services and support
    • If you have a worry or concern about your child's learning, emotional well-being or social interaction, please contact the Pastoral Team to discuss these further. Where there is a need, that cannot be accessed within or by school, advice and sign posting can be given to agencies and services, who will be able to provide you with support.
    • As well as supporting the above, the Pastoral Team have very good links with agencies and other professionals to address the needs of our school and local community. These include: Children’s Social Care, Early Help Service, Health Professionals, CAMHS, Education Service and the Police. We can also support with Housing, Debt and Legal Advice.

 For School:

  • More effective and efficient communication between parents/carers, teachers and outside agencies
  • Reduction in anti-social behaviour
  • Happy, motivated children achieving their potential


How the Pastoral Team can help… 

  • If you have only just started at Bishop Martin Primary School and don't know how to make the best of the opportunities on offer.
  • You are having difficulties with organising your time to get homework done.
  • If you are getting behind with your work.
  • If you are finding it hard to get on with your friends or make friends.
  • If you feel you are always in trouble.
  • If you find it difficult to attend school daily or be on time every morning.
  • If you are having problems out of school and its affecting your school work.
  • If you are returning to school after a long absence or illness.
  • If you have strong feelings that are making you feel sad, worried or angry.


When and where do we see you?

It may be before school in breakfast club, playtime, lunchtime or during lesson time. Usually this will be pre-arranged and your class teacher informed. Normally, we will meet in Miss McKnight's room or in The Hive.


How do I get to see the Pastoral Team?

There are a couple of ways this could happen:

  • Your class teacher may feel you would benefit from this support and discuss it with somebody.
  • If you feel you would like a bit more support for a while, chat to your class teacher and they will talk with the Pastoral Team.
  • Your mum, dad or whoever cares for you at home may contact school.
  • You can come and chat to us and tell us how you are feeling.
  • Leave us a note on the office door or on our desks.


The Voice of the Child

Bishop Martin Primary School understands the importance of enabling the voice of the child to be heard to promote safeguarding and well-being.

Examples of the Pastoral Care Team’s work include:

  • One-to-one sessions
  • Small group work – this can involve working in a small group of children on a range of issues such as social skills, worries and anxiety, confidence and self-esteem. Group work for children working on peer relationships, confidence and self-esteem.
  • Restorative Approaches – Staff use restorative techniques to help resolve conflict in the playground.
  • Lunchtime Provision– some children may be identified and encouraged to attend. This includes gardening, craft activities, board games, card games, outdoor games, role play, puppets and colouring in.
  • Transition Support- this involves supporting children to transition into school, settling in, developing social and emotional skills.
  • We are a ‘talking school’; we encourage our children to share their concerns at all times.
  • Wellbeing questionnaires at the start of the school year and throughout the year. Within these surveys, children respond to questions related to feeling safe, how happy they are, what help they feel that they need at school. The outcomes of these surveys are then used to inform interventions and practice within the school to promote the voice of the children.
  • ‘Worry eaters’ throughout Key Stage 1 & 2. These are monitored by teachers and any concerns passed on to the Pastoral Team.
  • Student Council. Pupils are elected by their peers. Children are fully aware of the role of the elected school councillors and are encouraged to regularly bring their views and ideas to their Class Representatives.
  • Children who need extra support at lunch times can find Miss McKnight or their Teaching Assistant on their playground as they are available at dinner times outside helping to supervise the children. This ensures that the social and emotional needs of vulnerable children are being addressed consistently.


Click on the links below for further information and resources.