The Governors of Bishop Martin Church of England Primary School


School Governors

School governors form the largest volunteer group in the country. They are people from all walks of life, who care about children's education and are prepared to work as a team to support their school and local community.


The school governors are all volunteers and come from various backgrounds. Our main role is to support the Headteacher and staff to ensure that Bishop Martin Church of England Primary School continues to be a successful and happy school.


The main role of the governing body is a strategic one, and its key functions are to:

·  Set the aims and objectives for the school.

·  Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives.

·  Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives.

·  Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives.

·  Be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher.

·  Monitor the financial aspects of the school.


The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing body.


If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, send all correspondence to:

Mr J Greenlees C/O Bishop Martin CE Primary


Governors Business Interest Checklist 2023-24

This was updated at the Autumn 2023 Full Governing Body Business meeting.  Copies can be requested from the school office.

Bishop Martin Governing Body Composition 2023-24

Under Review 

Bishop Martin Governors Roles and Responsibilities 

Under Review

Governor Pen Portraits 2023-24

Under Review


If you require paper copies of governor information on this page, please ask a member of office staff and this can be provided free of charge