Welcome to Year Six! 

I look forward to working with yourself and your child to ensure they have a happy and successful final year at Bishop Martin.

Please monitor our class page for regular updates on all of our exciting learning!

Class Teacher: Miss Bond

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Webb

Important Class Information:


Reading is such an important element of the curriculum and it is important that you encourage your children to reach as much as possible! Your child has been given a reading book that they should read and return to school each day, this has been carefully allocated using our school book band system, we are also continuing to use Bug Club as an additional resource for home reading; your child has been allocated a variety of books on Bug Club that will support their level of reading. Please ensure that your child reads at least three times a week and that this is recorded in their record. In class, the children will read texts that challenge their ability with a number of adults through whole class and 1:1 reading. 


This year PE will be taught by myself on a Wednesday and a Friday, please ensure that your child brings their PE kit to school on both days and that all jewellery has been removed.


If your child would like a piece of toast during morning break please ensure they bring 20p each day or £1 for the week.


Your children will be receiving spellings each Friday, they are expected to learn these in preparation for a small test the following Friday. All of the words that you children will bring home to learn are in-line with the Year Six statutory spelling words and rules. 


If you have any concerns about your child, please contact school to discuss this as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support


Miss Bond



Meet the Teacher Letter