
We encourage all of our children to be proud to wear the Bishop Martin school uniform, as shown below.

By deciding to send your child to Bishop Martin you are agreeing to the above expectations and the school would expect the support of parents in enforcing them.


New Uniform Expectations from September 2024

All items of clothing should be identifiable by a name tag. We believe that our pupils should be proud to wear the Bishop Martin logo on their uniform, and all are invited to do so. However uniform items can be worn with or without the school logo.

· Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with or without the school logo

· White polo shirt with or without the school logo

· Plain dark grey skirt/pinafore dress /smart trousers/knee length tailored shorts

· Plain grey socks (below the knee if worn with a skirt) or plain grey tights

· Black smart/formal school shoes – no trainers

· Outdoor fleece (optional)

· Sun cap (optional)

· Blue and white gingham dress, or white top with gingham shorts, or gingham romper suit (Summer Term And Autumn 1 Term only) to be worn with white socks

Royal blue sweatshirts, cardigans, white polo shirts and T-shirts embroidered with the school crest can be purchased from AC Sport.

If pupils are required to cover their heads for religious reasons, the scarves should be black or royal blue, and secure when worn but easily removed in an emergency. They should also not impair the hearing.


As you will notice, the biggest change is that we are moving away from the tartan skirts/pinafores. Although these items are smart and distinctive, they are also considerably more expensive than skirts/pinafores which can be bought cheaper, and from different places.


We realise that you may have items of our older uniform i.e. tartan skirts, pale blue polo shirts etc, which you intend to use in the next academic year. Therefore we will not fully implement our uniform policy until September 2025. Up until this date, older uniform items can be worn.


From September this year (after the summer break) we will be asking children to come to school on their PE days in their PE kits. By coming to school ready for PE, this saves learning time, and makes our lesson transitions easier and calmer. The PE uniform is still very smart, and we do ask that all children adhere to it.


PE Uniform (Children can come to school in their PE uniform on PE days)

All items of clothing should be identifiable by a name tag.

· Royal blue sweatshirt/hoody with or without the school logo

· Plain white T-shirt with or without school logo

· Navy blue loose shorts (summer term only) or black jog pants/black leggings

· Dark trainers


Some families require that pupils cover their arms and legs at all times. The school will respect this.

We do not allow the wearing of jewellery whilst doing PE or sports lessons because it could be dangerous.


Previous School Uniform (up to Sep 2024)

  • Royal blue jumper or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
  • White polo shirt or pale blue polo shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Royal blue/black/gold tartan skirt or pinafore, or black tailored trousers or tailored shorts
  • Black shoes (not trainers)
  • Pale blue gingham dress (summer term/Autumn 1 only)
  • Royal Blue Logo Fleece Jacket (optional, outdoor use only)
  • Royal Blue Logo reversible raincoat (optional, outdoor use only)



PE Uniform

  • Pale blue T-shirt (with or without the school logo)
  • Royal blue shorts (with or without the school logo)
  • Black Pumps or Trainers (outdoor PE only)
  • PLAIN Dark Jogging bottoms/leggings (outdoor PE only)
  • PLAIN Dark Sweatshirt/hoody (outdoor PE only)


Tartan skirts/pinafores/logo items are available to purchase from AC Sports.

Any generic clothing, such as trousers, tailored shorts etc. can be purchased in any clothing stores, online or in supermarkets.


Jewellery, Make-up and Hair

the school has the following expectations:


 ONLY small plain studs are allowed to be worn in school.  It is not   appropriate for ANY other kinds of jewellery to be worn and   pupils will be instructed to remove the items which will be   handed to parents at the end of the day.


 The wearing of make-up and nail varnish in school for pupils is   inappropriate and pupils will be instructed to clean any off.  If the   pupil refuses then school may deem it necessary to contact   parents.


Extreme hairstyles (patterns shaved in, hair colours) are not   appropriate for school.  Long hair should always be tied up/back   for health and safety reasons.


Bishop Martin CE Primary is a fully inclusive educational setting and will ALWAYS show consideration to any specific instances where religious adherence could lead to a conflict with the above policy



In line with Health & Safety we advise that pupils should not wear earrings during PE. Therefore, earrings should not be worn on PE days - if they cannot be removed please cover them with plasters. 




We have a local uniform supplier with a shop, which you can now visit or telephone to check stock availability. Items can be delivered to school free of charge for your collection.




Telephone 01942 216537

You can also order via this link: 




The following items of uniform, with the school badge, are available for purchase from  A.C. Sports - see details below.


Uniform Price List


School Uniform Policy May 2024