
What we are Learning Summer 2


   Toys Old and New


This term we will learning all about Toys that we play with now and also look at toys that were used in the past. We will compare and contrast toys and stories from the past and present day. We will also explore any similarities and differences between toys old and new.


Understanding the World: History: Past and Present

  • Comments on images of familiar situations in the past.
  • Knows some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on his/her experience and what has been read in class.


Communication and Language

  • Use new vocabulary in different contexts.
  • Listen carefully to rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound.
  • Learn rhymes, poems and songs.
  • Engage in non-fiction books.
  • Listen to and talk about selected non-fiction to develop a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary.


                             Physical Development

• Develop the foundations of a handwriting style which is fast, accurate and efficient.


• Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including: throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting, and aiming.


     • Develop confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in activities that involve a ball.

We will be reading:



We’re all going on a summer holiday

Our second theme leads us towards the end of the year talking about summer and holidays. We will explore where we like to go in the summer and the special places we visit with our family. We will talk about and expand on what we can hear and see whilst out and about during the summer season.


Understanding the world: The Natural World/Geography

  • Name and describe people who are familiar to them.


  • Draw information from a simple map.


  • Recognise some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries.


  • Explore the natural world around them.


  • Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.


  • Recognise some environments that are different to the one in which they live.


  • Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them.





 Expressive Arts and Design

  • Watch and talk about dance and performance art, expressing their feelings and responses.


  • Sing in a group or on their own, increasingly matching the pitch and following the melody.


  • Safely uses and explores a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.



  • Shares his/her creations, explaining the process he/she has used.


                                   We will be reading:




Fabulous Five

This term our Fabulous Five books which we will be sharing are:



What we are Learning Summer 1

    Easter Reflections


This term we will begin with Easer Reflections. We will explore the events of Easter and discuss the celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We will be recalling the Easter story and also creating some art and craft work associated with Easter.


R.E Vocabulary: Love, sacrifice. Jesus. Easter, disciples, Holy Week. Palm Sunday, crucifies, cross, tomb and risen.

Understanding the World


  • Comment on images of familiar situations in the past.
  • Talk about members of their immediate family and community.
  • Understand that some places are special to members of their community.


We will be reading: 


"Watch Me Grow"


Our second theme is Watch Me Grow. We will be learning all about the life cycle of plants and flowers and what factors they need to grow. Hopefully we can grow some of our own!


Understanding the world:

  • Explore the natural world around them.
  • Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.
  • Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them.
  • Explores the natural world around him/her making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants.


 Science vocabulary: Flower, blossom, root, bulb, seed, questions, answers, observe, compare, similar and different.    





  • Counting, comparing and Ordering
  • Understanding Part Whole
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Fractions
  • Distance/Weight
  • Weight
  • Capacity/Volume/Money
  • Shape and sorting



                                   We will be reading:



     Fabulous Five

This term our Fabulous Five books which we will sharing are:




What we are Learning Spring 2

    Traditional Tales







This term we will be learning all about traditional tales. We will be talking about the structure of the story discussing the beginning, middle and end. The class will have chance to explore the story through role play and recreate the stories of Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.




    • Read some letter groups that each represent one sound and say sounds for them.
    • Spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s.
    • Re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense.




  • Shape and Sorting
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Halving
  • Doubling
  • Number Sense

    We will be reading:



    Life on the Ocean Waves
  • Our second theme is Life on the Ocean Waves. We will be learning all about pirates and will look into the past to research some famous pirates. We will be looking at pictures of ships and boats from the past comparing them to ships in the present day.


  • Understanding the world:

    • Is able to compare and contrast characters from stories, including figures from the past.
    • Shows an understanding of the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling.
    • Knows some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on his/her experience and what has been read in class.
    • Is able to draw information from a simple map.

  • Literacy

    • Read some letter groups that each represent one sound and say sounds for them.
    • Read a few common exception words matched to the school’s phonic programme.
    • Re-read these books to build up their confidence in word reading, their fluency and their understanding and enjoyment.
    • We will be reading:

    • Fabulous Five

      This term our Fabulous Five books which we will sharing are:




What we are Learning Spring 1


   Amazing Animals




The start of this term will involve learning all about animals. We will learn about the different habitats that animals live in and compare the differences and similarities between these.

Understanding the World

  • Recognises some environments that are different to the one in which he/she lives.
  • Explores the natural world around him/her, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants.
  • Knows some similarities and differences between the natural world around him/her and contrasting environments, drawing on his/her experience and what has been read in class.


Communication and Language

  • Can retell the story, once he/she has developed a deep familiarity with the text; some as exact repetition and some in his/her own words.
  • Offers explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems where appropriate.
  • Participates in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering his/her own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary.


We will be reading:




        People Who Help Us




Our second topic will be People Who help us. We will be learning all about the different occupations that help us personally and the wider community. We will discuss the huge importance these people have within our lives.


Understanding the world: Past and Present

  • Comments on images of familiar situations in the past.
  • Is able to compare and contrast characters from stories, including figures from the past.
  • Talks about the lives of the people around him/her and their roles in society.
  • Shows an understanding of the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling.




  • Writing: Re-reads what he/she has written to check that it makes sense.
  • Word Reading: Can read some letter groups that each represent one sound and say the sounds for them.


                                                                                                    We will be reading:




                                                                                              Chinese New Year





During Spring Term we will also be celebrating a week of Chinese New Year. This is a very exciting topic as we learn all about the history of the Chinese new year story, the difference between our new year and Chinese new year and we also try lots of different food which is always fun.

Understanding the World

  • Recognises that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways.
  • Recognises some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries.
  • Knows some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in tis country, drawing on his/her experiences and what has been read in class.
  • Is able to explain some similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries, drawing on knowledge from stories, non-fiction texts and, when appropriate maps.
  • Is able to draw information from a simple map.


Expressive Arts and Design

  • Safely uses and explores a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
  • Watches and talks about dance and performance art, expressing his/her feelings and responses.


                         We will be reading:




                                                            Fabulous Five

This term our Fabulous Five books which we will sharing are:










Reading this term will link to Read Write Inc. Quiz’s and books will become available online once completed from the Oxford Owl website (see information handed out for login details.)

On a Friday children will also bring home a ‘book to share’ each week, which they will choose from our class library. This book is not for the children to read, but to enjoy listening to and sharing with an adult. This should be returned to school the following Friday


Our P.E sessions will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. One session each week will be taught by a specialist coach.

Please ensure children have their P.E kit in for all P.E sessions Please provide a note / speak to school if your child is unable to do P.E, otherwise children will be expected to join in.

Please cover earrings on the morning of P.E days with plasters if your child is unable to remove earrings for lessons.


What we are Learning Autumn 2

Baby You’re a Firework

We will be reading Sparks in the Sky


                                                                                             This lovely Twinkl Originals story follows Bo as she experiences her first


The first week of term will be learning all about Bonfire Night.

We will be creating lots of exciting artwork and also looking into the History of Bonfire Night and talking about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot.

We will also be learning about safety and how we can always keep ourselves and other safe during Bonfire/Firework night and whilst around fireworks.

We will be using a variety of techniques to create bonfire and firework art.


Expressive Arts and Design

Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.

Return to and build on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them.

Understanding the World

Comment on images of familiar situations in the past.


                             Awesome Autumn

Our second topic this term is Autumn.

We will be exploring the changes that happen at Autumn time. This will include the changes we can see around us and also the changes some animals have around this time of year.

We will be reading Don’t Hog the Hedge, Tree and Hibernation Station.


                                                            SWEET HOME The Autumn leaves Cross Stitch Kits,14ct 400x400stitch,82x82cm Counted Cross Stitch Kit



Expressive Art ad Design

Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them

Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside.

Explore the natural world around them.

Knows some similarities and differences between the natural world around him/her and contrasting environments, drawing on his/her experience and what has been read in class.

Understands some important processes and changes in the natural world around him/her, including the seasons and changing states of matter.




Read individual letters by saying the sounds for them.

Form lower-case and capital letters correctly.





                                                                                    A Baby is Born

Our last topic for this term is A Baby is Born. This will include learning all about the Christmas Story and how this time of year is special to us all and our families.

We will also be reading the Jolly Christmas Postman which is a wonderful story to stimulate children’s imagination, especially at this time of the year.

There will be lots of arts and craft making taking place and some creations to take home.







Understanding the World

Recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways.

Understand that some places are special to members of their community.


Expressive Arts and Design

Sing in a group or on their own, increasingly matching the pitch and following the melody.

Develop storylines in their pretend play.

Explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups.

Fabulous Five

This term our Fabulous Five books which we will sharing are:

Hibernation Station

Blue Monster wants it all

Peace at Last

Little Green Donkey

What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas




Our Literacy work will be focused on the Read Write Inc scheme which children should have now received a log in for. Please access this and support your child's learning to complete the quizzes and blending activities.





  • Please continue to return library books on Fridays to be changed.
  • Please bring a pair of wellies as the weather gets wet and muddy for outdoors
  • PE kits on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Snack Money which is 20p a day if your child wants toast and also could you place your child's names in all unforms and PE kits.

Many Thanks



What we are Learning Autumn 1








The start of the autumn term will involve teaching of our school values and what they mean to us. Our school values are love, hope, kindness, respect and trust.


Selects and uses activities and resources, with help when needed. This helps him/her to achieve a goal he/she has chosen, or one which is suggested to him/her.

Communication and Language

Enjoys listening to longer stories and can remember much of what happens.

Understanding the world

Uses all his/her senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials.



Super Me





See themselves as a valuable individual.


Communication and Language

Learn new vocabulary.

Use new vocabulary through the day.


Physical Development

Develop the overall body strength, co-ordination, balance and agility needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines including dance, gymnastics, sport and swimming.















Understanding the World

Recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways.

Understand that some places are special to members of their community.


Expressive Arts and Design

Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.




Fabulous Five

This term our Fabulous Five books which we will sharing are: