Welcome to White Rabbits
Miss Rowat
School Website
Our class webpage will be regularly updated throughout each half term so you can see all the exciting things that White Rabbits get up to over the course of the year.
Children will have daily reading to an adult during our Read Write Inc. sessions. Home reading books can be accessed online from the Oxford Owl website (see information handed out for login details.) Once your child can confidently read the book they have been practising in class, they will bring a slip home to inform you which book they should be reading at home. It is important for your child’s comprehension skills that they read books more than once. In addition to this, the children will be taking a library book home for you to share with them. This is just for them to listen to and enjoy sharing a book with you.
Our P.E sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday each week. One session each week will be taught by a specialist coach and the other will be taught by myself. Please ensure children have their P.E kit in school on these days which includes a blue T-shirt, shorts and trainers or pumps. Children with earrings must have these covered or removed on these days. Please provide a note or speak to school if your child is unable to do P.E, otherwise children will be expected to join in.
Toast is 20p per day. This can be paid daily, weekly or monthly. Fresh fruit is also provided each day. Children have access to water throughout the day however they are more than welcome to bring in a water bottle with their name on.
If you have any concerns or queries, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.