Welcome to Year 2 Owls!



On behalf of the year 2 team, I would like to say that we are extremely excited about working with your child and that we are looking forward to supporting them in their journey throughout the school year. We are a committed team consisting of myself (Miss Johnson), Mrs Harrison and Miss Smith. We strive to ensure that your child is inspired and motivated through a love of learning and that they are motivated to achieve to their maximum ability. We hope your child enjoys being a year 2 Owl as much as we love having them!

On our class page you will be able to see all the exciting learning that we have done and will be doing throughout the year. The children have made a fantastic start to Year 2- keep checking our page regularly to see all of the fun we have been getting up to.



Please find below a list of information which you will find helpful throughout the year.



Toast will be available every morning break time for your child to have as a snack. This will be 20p per day/ £1 per week.




PE will be on Monday and Wednesdays. We are extremely lucky as our Wednesday PE session is taught by a specialist coach.

Please ensure that your child has their full PE kit in school on the days specified above.

School PE kit consists of blue shorts, pale blue or white T-shirt and black pumps or trainers.

During the Autumn and Winter months some PE lessons may be taught outside, so we ask that children bring warm jumpers and tracksuit bottoms to equip them for the colder weather.

If a child is unable to do P.E a note or message from the parent / carer must be provided, otherwise children will be expected to take part.

Please ensure that if your child wears earrings, that they are removed on PE days or that you provide your child with plasters so that they can be covered. For health and safety reasons we are not permitted to take them out or put them back in for your child.



As the children progress through Year 2, homework will start to be sent home. Homework will be handed out on a Friday and asked to be returned no later than the following Wednesday. Homework tasks will focus on an area of the curriculum we have been learning that week for assessment purposes.



Read Write Inc. Home reading books can be accessed online from the Oxford Owl website (see information handed out for login details.)

Once your child can confidently read the book they have been practising in class, they will bring a slip home to inform you which book they should be reading at home from the website.

It is important for your child’s comprehension skills that they read books more than once.


If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please do not hesitate to come and talk to us!

The Year 2 Team