Online Safety Games
Safer Schools App
Safer Schools provide our school online safety app.
Use the QR code below to view the pupil section.
Access code - 9342
Childline: Online Safety Games
For Online Safety Games, click on the image below.
Google: Be Internet Legends
Click on the image below to play the games and see if you are an internet legend!
BBC Own It App
The BBC Own It app will help you to make smart choices, feel more confident and get advice when you need it.
Click on the image below for more information.
For Online Safety advice, click on the image below.
I.T. Games
BBC Bitesize KS1
Click on the image below to access lots of information about KS1 Computing.
BBC Bitesize KS2
Click on the image below to access lots of information about KS2 Computing.
Click on the image below to practise your keyboard skills.
Dance Mat Typing
Click on the image below to learn how to touch type.
Coding Games
We know how much you love this one!
Click on the image below to start creating.
Blockly Games
Click on the image below for a range of games to help you learn all about coding.
Click on the image below to practise your coding skills.
Click on the image below to program lightbot.
Click on the image below to create your own games and animations.
Scratch Junior is great for younger children to begin developing their coding skills.
Click on the image below.
These 15 Minute Technology Activities, from Knowsley CLC, use some of our favourite programs!
Although aimed at different age groups, they are fun activities that anyone can enjoy.
Click on the links below for further details and see what you can do in 15 minutes!
Knowsley CLC - 15 Minute Technology Activities