Autumn 1 - What We Are Learning



During our first chapter the children will be counting to 100 through different steps, including counting in tens. Place value will have a major role throughout the chapter. Pupils will also look at comparing numbers using their place-value knowledge and they will go through number bonds. The final two lessons will allow pupils to explore numbers to see patterns within 100. In chapter two, the children will look at addition and subtraction using number bond diagrams as well as the standard column method. 



The children will be exploring the book ‘The Pirates Next Door’ and will be writing their own innovated story with a familiar setting. The children will also participate in daily RWI sessions.


Religious Education

During this unit of work, the children will widen their understanding of the bible, its contents, presentation and its importance to Christians. They will then start to study other holy books in the lives of people of all faiths.