Religious Education


'Our Curriculum Promise'

          Here at Bishop Martin we are extremely proud to be a Church school and our mission statement is firmly rooted and lived out daily in our school life. Our school values and daily worship help us in fulfilling our mission of learning together and growing in faith.

          The RE curriculum at Bishop Martin is based on the agreed syllabus provided by Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education. This syllabus aims to embed ‘Questful RE’ with the additional 'Understanding Christianity' resource with the key purpose of supporting pupils in developing their own thinking and their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it. 

          Through the delivery of RE pupils are encouraged to develop positive attitudes to their learning and to the beliefs and values of others through developing self-awareness, respect for all, open-mindedness and appreciation and wonder. Through the study of other religions, we aim to promote an attitude of understanding and tolerance through increasing children’s knowledge about other people’s beliefs, values and religious practices.