What We Are Learning

Summer 1




What We Are Learning

Spring 2


At the start of the term we will be looking at Traditional Tales. We will be reading the stories Little Red Riding Hood, Three Billy Goats Gruff and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


Ask questions about the book.

Make comments and shares their own ideas.

Develop play around favourite stories using props.

Enjoy sharing books with an adult.

Pay attention and respond to the pictures or the words.

Have favourite books and seek them out, to share with an adult, with another child, or to look at alone.


Expressive Arts and Design

Start to develop pretend play, pretending that one object represents another. For example, a child holds a wooden block to her ear and pretends it’s a phone.





Our next theme this half term will be all about the season ‘Spring’. We will look at what changes we see when Spring starts with the weather and what we can see outside.



Understanding the World

Explore and respond to different natural phenomena in their setting and on trips


Explore natural materials, indoors and outside.




Our last theme this half term will be all about Easter. We will look at the Easter story, why we celebrate Easter and the sacrifices Jesus made for us. We will look at how we celebrate Easter at home and make lots and lots of Easter crafts.


Understanding the World

Notice differences between people.


Expressive Arts and Design

Manipulate and play with different materials.


Use their imagination as they consider what they can do with different materials.


Make simple models which express their ideas.


Show different emotions in their drawings – happiness, sadness, fear etc.



Why do Christians believe that Easter is all about love?






What We Are Learning

Spring 1


“Arctic countries/Animals”

At the start of the term we will be looking at animals from the Arctic and what it is like in the Arctic compared to other countries. We will look at ice and test melting and freezing.


Communication and Language

Make sounds to get attention in different ways (for example, crying when hungry or unhappy, making gurgling sounds, laughing, cooing or babbling).

Babble, using sounds like ‘baba’, ‘mamama’.

Use gestures like waving and pointing to communicate.

Start to develop conversation, often jumping from topic to topic.


Develop pretend play: ‘putting the baby to sleep’ or ‘driving the car to the shops’

Understanding The World

Notice differences between people.

Explore and respond to different natural phenomena in their setting and on trips


Chinese New Year


We will then move onto looking at the celebration of Chinese New Year. We will look at the traditions they have, compare them to other cultures traditions and look at the Chinese zodiac story.


Understanding the World

Notice differences between people.

Explore and respond to different natural phenomena in their setting and on trips


















Autumn 2

“Baby You’re a Firework”


At the start of the term we will be looking at bonfire night and all the traditions that take place around this time. We will look at all the colours and experiment working with them.

Expressive Arts and Design

Manipulate and play with different materials.


Use their imagination as they consider what they can do with different materials.


Make simple models which express their ideas.

Start to make marks intentionally

Explore paint, using fingers and other parts of their bodies as well as brushes and other tools.

Express ideas and feelings through making marks, and sometimes give a meaning to the marks they make.

Understanding The World

Explore and respond to different natural phenomena in their setting and on trips


Explore natural materials, indoors and outside.


“People who Help Us”



Another theme this half term will be all about people who help us. We will look at the different professions, talk about how they help us and what jobs we might like when we grow up.



Understanding the World

Explore and respond to different natural phenomena in their setting and on trips

Explore natural materials, indoors and outside.


Notice differences between people.


Sing songs and say rhymes independently, for example, singing whilst playing.


We will look at all the season changes in winter and what we can see outside to tell us it is now Winter.

Expressive Arts and Design

Show attention to sounds and music.


Respond emotionally and physically to music when it changes.


Move and dance to music.


Anticipate phrases and actions in rhymes and songs, like ‘Peepo’.


Explore their voices and enjoy making sounds.


Explore different materials, using all their senses to investigate them.


Manipulate and play with different materials.


Use their imagination as they consider what they can do with different materials.


Start to make marks intentionally.

Explore paint, using fingers and other parts of their bodies as well as brushes and other tools.

Express ideas and feelings through making marks, and sometimes give a meaning to the marks they make.

Enjoy and take part in action songs, such as ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’.


Start to develop pretend play, pretending that one object represents another. For example, a child holds a wooden block to her ear and pretends it’s a phone.


Understanding the World

Explore and respond to different natural phenomena in their setting and on trips

Explore natural materials, indoors and outside.






Our last theme this half term will be all about the wonderful Christmas time. We will be looking at the Christmas story and even putting on a Christmas performance for our families! We will be creating lots of Christmas creation so get ready for the glitter!


Expressive Arts and Design

Manipulate and play with different materials.


Use their imagination as they consider what they can do with different materials.


Make simple models which express their ideas.

Start to make marks intentionally

Explore paint, using fingers and other parts of their bodies as well as brushes and other tools.

Express ideas and feelings through making marks, and sometimes give a meaning to the marks they make.

Enjoy and take part in action songs, such as ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’.


Show attention to sounds and music.


Respond emotionally and physically to music when it changes.


Move and dance to music.


Understanding the World

Explore and respond to different natural phenomena in their setting and on trips

Explore natural materials, indoors and outside.


Notice differences between people.

What we are Reading






Autumn 1


This will be our first few weeks together and a new setting to get use too.  We will make new friends, learn new things and get to use all our skills we have learnt so far.

Our first week will be all about getting to know each other and getting use to nursery.  We will have lots of activities planned for you and it is hoped you will like them all.

PSED Develop friendships with other children and Play with increasing confidence on their own and with other children,

We will then be ready to create a head shot of ourselves, learning how many eyes we have, where are our ears etc. We will also have a stick figure which we will create our very own interpretation of ourselves using different kinds of materials.

Physical Development   Develop manipulation and control, and    Explore different materials and tools.

Maths Develop counting-like behaviour, such as making sounds, pointing or saying some numbers in sequence.

We will, with the help of our friends look at books and any pictures you may bring in.  This will help us talk or gesture to each other how many brothers or sisters we have, who lives in our homes and how many grandparents we have.  

Communication and Language  Listen to simple stories and understand what is happening, with the help of the pictures. 

AND Start to develop conversation, often jumping from topic to topic

Understanding the world  Make connections between the features of their family and other families   AND  Notice differences between people


During this time we will also discuss how SPECIAL and how SUPER WE are, by discovering what we can do for ourselves and help our friends in nursery.    We will learn what the values of our nursery are.       

  PSED  Establish their sense of self.

We will also discover all the things we can do from running and jumping, to drinking and eating together at snack and then just how amazing we and our friends are.                                                               

 Physical Development   Walk, run, jump and climb – and start to use the stairs independently


For our last week of term we will look at a special event called HARVEST. In this week we will learn all about the foods and drinks we need to make us SUPER ME,  where we can find all these exciting things and which we like to eat.



We will learn the nursery rhyme ‘Old McDonald had a farm’.

We will get to play with a special eatable farm where the whole farm will be made from food we can eat as well as play with. This will give us a lovely sensory experience, as well as discovering how new textures feel when we play and explore.                                                                                     


Expressive Art and Design  Use their imagination as they consider what they        can do with different materials

 Literacy  Join in with songs and rhymes, copying sounds, rhythms, tunes and tempo.

AND Say some of the words in songs and rhymes