Curriculum this half-term – Autumn 2

  • In History we will be studying the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
  • In Maths we will be working on our understanding of addition and subtraction as well as developing our understanding of multiplication and division.
  • We will be asking ‘How does the presence of Jesus impact on people’s lives?’ in our Christmas unit – God with us.
  • More details about our curriculum can be found on the Giraffes’ class page on the school website.
  • The children are bound to have a wonderful time with Mrs Lawell in their DT and PSHE lessons.


  • Our P.E sessions will be on Mondays and Fridays for the first two weeks. Our focus this half-term is Outdoor Activities. From 15th November our P.E. sessions will be on Mondays and Wednesdays, with the focus on Wednesdays being Rugby.
  • Please ensure children have their P.E kit in for all P.E sessions. Most lessons will be taught outside, so please ensure that your child has P.E. kit that is suitable for the weather.
  • Parents must provide a note / speak to school if their child is unable to do P.E, otherwise children will be expected to join in.
  • Please provide children with plasters if they are unable to remove earrings.


Welcome to Year 3! I hope you all had a lovely summer and I look forward to working with you to ensure we have a happy and successful year.

Curriculum this half-term

  • We are starting this half-term studying our School Values in detail, focusing on passages from the Bible that highlight these values along with how they relate to our lives.
  • In Geography we will be looking at settlements and why they have been built where they are.
  • In Maths we will be working on our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction.
  • We will be covering two units in RE. The first is our Harvest unit where we will be looking at how people say thank you to God for the harvest. We will then be studying the prophets and what it means to be called by God.
  • More details about our curriculum can be found on the Giraffes’ class page on the school website.
  • The children are bound to have a wonderful time with Mrs Hewitt in their Spanish and RE lessons.


  • Our P.E sessions will be on Mondays and Fridays. Our focus this half-term is gymnastics.
  • Please ensure children have their P.E kit in for all P.E sessions.
  • Parents must provide a note / speak to school if their child is unable to do P.E, otherwise children will be expected to join in.
  • Please provide children with plasters if they are unable to remove earrings.