10 May 2017

Image of Church School Partnership Award 2

Church School Partnership Award 2

                At the end of the Spring Term Bishop Martin was proud to be accredited with the ‘Church School Partnership Award 2’ by the Liverpool Diocese.  This prestigious award is only granted to schools who show a truly embedded culture and ethos of school values, woven into the very fabric of school life.

The award presents the following challenge to schools to rise to:

“A programme of Christian values can make a difference not only to the lives of the pupils in a school but also to the lives of a whole community. The Diocese of Liverpool believes that its churches can make a difference to their schools as well as their local, national and global communities and we would like you to accept that challenge and demonstrate your response through this award.”

We at Bishop Martin are incredibly proud to have been given this award and would like to thank everyone within the school community and the community of Christ the Servant Church: pupils, staff, parents, governors, church congregation, Parish Clergy and our ecumenical partners who contribute so fully to the rich Christian tradition here.  This award builds on the ‘Outstanding’ grading the school received in 2016 from its most recent SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) Inspection.